The Easy EV Charging Solution

Interested in Adding EV Charging to your property but not sure where to start? EV Site Solutions can help!

EV charging is a necessity for many businesses and property owners. Yet it can represent a serious capital investment and the management hassle can seem daunting. EV Site Solutions takes the guess work and financial pressure out of the process. We offer a reliable solution to providing your guests and residents with convenient, affordable, accessible Level 2 EV charging.

Site Solutions Program

  1. EVSS will pay 100% of the costs of charging stations, networking, operating expenses, electricity, maintenance and repairs for the life of the agreement.

  2. EVSS will make a contribution, determined on a site-by-site basis, towards the electrical make-ready work.

  3. EVSS will ensure 95% uptime annually across all charging plugs.

  4. EVSS will handle all permitting and implementation of make-ready work

  5. We offer the opportunity to expand your site’s plug count at no cost to you if demand warrants.

  6. Revenue sharing is available with certain term-length agreements allowing you to generate revenue without capital investments!

Schedule a Consultation

Contact Ben Pauluhn:

(352) 360-5513